martes, 12 de abril de 2011

September 18

This is the Independence Day celbration in Chile. Usually, it isn't celebrated only September 18, the 19 (Army Glories day) too. It's a crazy day, when the chilean dance "cueca" (the typical folklore, and the official dance of Chile), "cumbia", and more recently reggaeton.

But, there is a mistake whem some people say that September 18 is the chilean Independence Day. That day, in 1810, in Santiago, the noble people of this city created the National Governing Board because in Spain (motherland of Chile), king Fernando the Seventh was sent to jail when Napoleon Bonaparte invades the Iberic Peninsula. So, the Board was creates as a temporary government in our country. But in fact, the Board never proclaim the independence of Chile. However, this was the first push to the proccess of emancipation in Chile, that concludes in February 12 of 1818, when Chile was declarated an autonomous nation.

Another contradiction is: Why the people dance reggaeton in CHILEAN independence day? Why we, the chilean, forget our typical dance ("cueca") and we dance (we it's not the correct word, I NEVER DANCE haha) foreign music? Chile is a culture sponge, a country that always forgets its origins, and we say "We are the Jaguars of Sothamerica" or "The Englishman of Sotuhamerica", but we are so far of this. It's better that we remember our indigenous people, also our "Huaso" a notorious personage of our country (and the base of its economy too), or vakorate our music, so unestimated in comparation of pop, reggaeton, metal, rock and another kinds of music. There are beautiful songs in the chilean folklore. For example "Arriba en la Cordillera" by Patricio Manns, "Mira Niñita" by Los Jaivas, and many others that demostrate that our music is many times better than the foreign rythms.

So, i think that Chile must study their History as well as we accept foreign customs, and valorate all the hidden treasures that our beautiful country keep safe on its narrow and large territory, to celebrate a better Independence Day 

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Mauro,

    Check these things, please:

    "Chilean", like all nationalities, takes a capital "C".

    when Napoleon Bonaparte invadeD the Iberic Peninsula...(past)

    the Board was createD as a temporary government...

    the Board never proclaimED the independence of Chile...

    that concludeD ON February 12 (NO of) 1818...
    when Chile was declaRED an autonomous nation...

    Why DO (NO the) people dance reggaeton in THE CHILEAN Independence Day?...

    "Sothamerica","Sotuhamerica", SOUTHAMERICA

    also our "Huaso" a FAMOUS CHARACTER of our country...

    ("notorious" always has a negative connotation)

    "demoNstrate", "rHythms"

    I think that Chile must study ITS History

    that our beautiful country keepS..IN its narrow and LONG territory...

    Good reflection...



